Wala is an Eastern European lady who kindly shared her take on why high-quality relationships in life are so important. This post is provided by Wala.

  • The quality of relationships in your life determines how happy you are in general. 

A study shows that every mental health problem has something to do with relationships. Therefore, please do not ignore the importance of relationships in your life.

If you are struggling due to a toxic relationship in your life, you’d better make a difficult but important decision – you have to end the toxic relationship. Remember: Hard choices, easy life; easy choices, hard life.

When there is an energy vampire in your life, the easy way to handle the situation is to allow the energy vampire to stay there. Sadly, this causes a hard life. By contrast, making a difficult decision (ending the toxic relationship) is the ideal way to have an easier life. That means even if the energy vampire is a family member, you still must make the hard decision – yes, that includes your family as well because you are the most important person in the universe.

We know that ending a relationship with a family member is extremely hard to do. Meanwhile, we have witnessed some men who allowed energy vampires to stay in their lives for several decades, as those energy vampires are their family members. Unfortunately, these men’s lives are absolutely miserable because of that. 

You only have one life and you are only here once, so keeping an energy vampire in your life is the last thing that you want to do when you are here. You are 100% responsible for your confidence and your happiness.

As for your friends, these individuals are the family that you choose to have. Please make sure that your friends are high-quality individuals – there are over 7 billion people on this planet – you don’t have to be friends with low-quality individuals.

To be honest, friendships are high-level relationships: You choose to be each other’s friends because you share the same value system. Your friends are people that you like authentically. A friendship is very, very different from a romantic relationship / a business partnership in which you obviously want something from each other. We cannot imagine a romantic relationship without intimacy or a business partnership without money.

In an authentic friendship, you don’t want money or intimacy from each other. That is exactly why a friendship is a spiritual, high-level relationship that you have to cherish.

Eastern European women

  • As to your romantic relationship, there are four aspects that you need to be aware of:

1) Admiration – You admire and appreciate each other. The more you focus on each other’s positive traits, the more you can amplify these positive traits.

2) Connection – You and your lady have a solid emotional connection. The more shared experiences you have together, the stronger this emotional connection becomes.

3) Commitment – Your relationship is serious and exclusive. You give each other full respect.

4) Compatibility – You and your lady have compatible values as well as compatible flaws. Most importantly, the way you approach things is compatible, including the way you handle conflict in this relationship. Usually, compatibility is the most underrated aspect of the dynamics.

“Your lifestyle confidence will significantly improve once you work on the above-mentioned elements,” says Wala, an Eastern European lady.

“Never ignore the importance of relationships in life.”