Overpraising a woman only puts her on a pedestal. Therefore, please do not overpraise a woman. Now, let me show you how to pay her a compliment without putting her on a pedestal. Firstly, you can compliment her when you compliment yourself at the same time, e.g., “You are a morning person. That’s great. My favorite thing in the world is to wake up early and do my emails before 8 am, so I don’t need to worry about checking my emails throughout the day.” In this example, you are showing how you are able to relate to her as an individual. In this way, you find commonalities that indicate that you are the perfect match.

  • How to be calm:

Yes, when a woman checks her mobile phone on a date, she is basically giving you a sign that she is not very interested in you. Now you will do this: acknowledge it verbally! I want you to confidently and calmly state that you have already noticed her non-verbal cue. (Say it with a very friendly smile on your face.) Of course, you’ll need to preface what you say with something positive, e.g., “I like how you can multitask by speaking to me while checking your smartphone.” In other words, you are literally giving a negative comment as a compliment, which allows you to be very direct. What you are saying suggests this: “Your indifference is a bit funny. I’m a guy who deserves your attention.” Now you’ll be the confident and cool guy that she definitely wants to speak to! Another example: “I love how much you want to go. Your feet are shuffling in that direction.” 😊 Most men don’t have the confidence or the courage to say this clearly, so you will stand out immediately! Now this woman begins to wonder, “Wow. This guy is unique. I want to know more about him.” Yes. This is how you turn the tables quickly on a date!

safer dating

  • When she is upset….

If your girlfriend is angry because you paid someone else a compliment, note that it’s not an attack on you – it’s just an expression of her jealousy or insecurity. It is your responsibility to make your girlfriend feel attractive and loved. When her security is solid, you will benefit from this international relationship. 😊 Please note that in a perfectly healthy romantic relationship, your girlfriend should be okay with you complimenting other women. Therefore, at the early stage of an international relationship, you pay someone else a compliment, and then suddenly your girlfriend feels a bit annoyed – now you have to immediately pre-frame the situation by saying, “Honey, no need to be ticked off when I compliment someone else – by now you should know I’m in love with you because you are confident.” That means you should tell her what is acceptable behavior in this relationship and what isn’t acceptable. You are basically saying, “My girlfriend is supposed to act in a confident, cool way when I compliment other people because my girlfriend’s confidence is the most attractive personality trait.”

I’ve received a reader’s message: “I carry around a secret that I don’t feel very comfortable sharing with people. Many times, I might start dating somebody and feel like I’m not totally honest with that person. What should I do?” Well, I’m not going to share my response to that question because that is the reader’s privacy. I also wouldn’t mention this reader’s name. Yet, I can summarize some ideas for the public to consider because these will probably help more people. If you struggle with anxiety or depression (and still have a good career while dating quite successfully), it means you are a very strong go-getter. You are taking action to improve your situation, so you must be an inspiring individual. Each time I revealed a secret of mine, I also worried about how others would react. Surprisingly, most people only have positive reactions. Remember: when you phrase your secret as something positive, it can become a positive.

  • Theories about risk management:

The first stage of risk management is risk identification. 

The second stage of risk management is the analysis of probability and consequences. 

Fortunately, a range of mitigation strategies has been identified. This is the third stage of risk management.

The fourth stage of risk management is control and documentation. 

“Of course, those are just theories, so they may not apply to your dating life. But it’s always good to know some theories that may give you some inspiration, right?”