

Why are so many modern men single and how to navigate online dating

A recent survey shows that there are many more single men than single women nowadays. Why are so many men single now? Why are so many men single these days? Because of social media, most people have some sort of online presence in today’s day and age. That means the top 10% of men can get the majority of women in his community. Meanwhile, the attractive woman in your [...]

By |April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Online Dating|Tags: |0 Comments

The secret to making an international relationship come to life

In today’s blog article, I’m going to introduce the concept of fractionation which will help you to make your international relationship come to life! What is fractionation? Fractionation is a communication technique based on psychology. It refers to managing the feelings and emotions in human dynamics tactfully. For example, when you interact with a woman, you should flirt with her so that chemistry leads to attraction. And then when she [...]

By |April 18th, 2024|Categories: Relationship|Tags: |0 Comments

Emotional Intelligence and Safe Dating

In dating and relationships, emotional intelligence is paramount. Your ability to read women, figure out what’s going on and give an effective response is so key. Your emotional intelligence ensures a safe dating experience! ❤️ Is she investing in the interactions with you? Some women may give men shit tests while talking with men, so a lot of men simply give it up whenever that happens, which is sad. [...]

By |April 16th, 2024|Categories: Dating advice, Dating Tips, Relationship Tips|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Top 4 mistakes men make in international relationships

If you are looking for an international relationship, please be aware of the following four mistakes that some men tend to make in international dating & relationships. Avoid all of them, please. 😉 Mistake 1: Neediness A woman can smell your neediness from a mile away. If you are needy, you might have your standards violated & your boundaries crossed easily because you don’t even have independence emotionally. Without [...]

By |April 13th, 2024|Categories: Dating advice, Online Dating|Tags: |0 Comments

What is the most fundamental skill in dating and relationships?

Research shows that flirting is probably the single most important skill in dating and relationships because it creates chemistry and attraction. Flirting is mostly about your attitude. As I see it, flirting is primarily about your attitude. It’s a decision to have fun, be playful, and start an engaging & light conversation. Flirting consists of three components: A man-to-woman premise – She needs to know that this is a man-to-woman [...]

By |April 9th, 2024|Categories: Dating advice|Tags: |0 Comments

4 ways to transform your social life (and approach safer dating effortlessly)

Today I’m going to share four hacks with you. I’m sure these simple strategies will transform your social life. Meanwhile, you will be able to effortlessly approach safer dating from now on. Hack 1: Buy things in-store rather than online. I know online shopping is popular these days, but I’d like to encourage you to buy things in-store because it’s an easy way to meet more people quickly. Instead of [...]

By |April 4th, 2024|Categories: Dating Tips|Tags: |0 Comments

Are you making these mistakes in your online dating journey?

In order to help you succeed in your online dating journey, today I’d like to share with you typical mistakes that you must avoid in dating & relationships. Mistake 1: Statements sound like questions When a lot of men are chatting with women via video/audio chat online, their statements tend to sound like questions because they use a rising tone at the end of a statement. This is a low-value [...]

By |April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Online Dating|Tags: |0 Comments

The importance of men’s fashion in international dating

How important is men’s fashion in the dating space? I would argue that looks do matter, although looks aren’t everything. Your look matters because it’s a key part of your image which determines the first impression. The fit is paramount. The most important part of men’s fashion is the fit – the fit has to be right. Never wear clothes that don’t fit you well, no matter how expensive [...]

By |March 31st, 2024|Categories: Dating advice, Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments
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