When you meet a Slavic woman, it’s your responsibility to establish a non-platonic, man-to-woman premise with her if you would like to date her. One way to make the interaction non-platonic is to give her compliments. However, giving overt compliments without any perceived challenge can make you look needy. So, you’d better show some interest and then take it away playfully to reduce the perceived neediness, e.g., “I thought I liked you until you said that.” (Be sure to have a fun and flirty tone.)

  • How to communicate interest at the beginning:

You meet a Slavic woman and you are attracted to her, but please don’t say, “You are so beautiful” too quickly because that increases your perceived neediness. Instead, you should playfully do some push-pull, e.g., “You would be so pretty if you just stop doing this.” (Make sure your tone is flirty and fun.) Now she knows you are interested her. Meanwhile, you are not giving all your power away.

Remember: You know you are an attractive guy. Now you are deciding whether she is the woman that you are going to spend your attractive time with. This should be your mindset when it comes to dating and relationships. With this mindset, you will never be needy!

Note that she has to meet your standards and respect your boundaries if she wants to be your girlfriend!

  • After showing your interest, you have to qualify her for much deeper qualities.

You should qualify a Slavic woman on more than just her beauty. Her initial beauty is only a part of her value. You must discover the qualities that make her actually stand out, and then she can become your girlfriend, i.e., she is allowed to spend the attractive time with you. You are the attractive guy. You are giving her the opportunity to win you over and sell herself to you. Not the other way around.

This mindset will give you the unshakeable core confidence that you deserve.

I’d like you to make your qualifying questions crystal clear so the lady clearly knows how to live up to your high standards in the relationship with you. 

For instance, you can ask her, “What’s your favorite book?”

She starts to think…. “Oh, I really want to give him the right answer….”

If she says, “The Reader” (or whatever book she likes), you can say something along the lines of, “That’s such a great choice. Nowadays most women want to look masculine and they read very analytical books, but you like a romantic novel. I like the fact that you prefer romance and choose to be a real, feminine woman.”

This process is also known as girlfriend training. She needs to know what you are looking for in a woman. Qualifying communicates the values, standards and behaviors that you look for in a relationship.

“Apart from initial beauty, what value/qualities should your girlfriend bring to the table?”