Many individuals don’t have the confidence to join the dating scene simply because they are worried about their looks. That’s why they settle. Sadly, the minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. Therefore, it’s time to address your self-esteem issues regarding your looks if that worries you. Hopefully, you will be able to date with confidence after reading this article 😉

  • According to the Law of Attraction, you only get what you believe you deserve in your love life.

Never underestimate the power of your mindset. Personally, I don’t like motivational speakers who talk about mindset all day, every day. But I know a person’s mindset actually matters.

In order to date with confidence, you must have the right mindset in the first place. Let me explain.

Every morning you wake up and judge how worthy you are of a relationship, of a promotion, of happiness – you may do this unconsciously. How you feel each morning may indicate your state of mind pretty accurately. Australian singer/songwriter Darren Hayes admits that he has been dealing with depression most of his life due to homosexuality and a career crisis. When he was young, he had homophobia and he really struggled to like himself. Nowadays sometimes when he wakes up in the morning, getting out of bed and grabbing a cup of coffee feels like as stressful as giving a lecture to 1,000 people. Gradually, he feels better during the day, and at night, he feels the best. This cycle repeats itself the next day.

date with confidence

  • The conclusion:

No matter what you project after you leave the house in the morning, it’s what you actually believe when you look in the mirror that will either propel you forward or hold you back. Are you good-looking? Are you attractive? Will other people look at you and think the same? Can you date with confidence? That insecurity or security might look like an internal debate that has nothing to do with the face you put on for the public, yet it definitely determines the quality of people you can attract. Attractiveness is subjective; however, no matter how much you make the “it’s only skin deep” argument, you can’t take away the fact that having good looks makes you feel positive. If you actually think, “I am pretty sure that I am attractive, and I can’t meet anyone great”, then I don’t believe you.

To feel attractive is all about feeling confident. To be confident is to be bold and fearless. Being bold and fearless leads to going after anything and everything you want without shying away from the moment. Many daters feel good when they are looking in the mirror; nonetheless, some people’s confidence falters when it’s time to shake hands with a very attractive potential partner. Attractiveness, coolness, and confidence are the traits of a high-value person who will become a winner. If you are falling short in the quality candidate department, it’s not really because you are ugly; it’s actually because you haven’t mastered these compulsory traits: attractiveness, coolness, and confidence. Remember: you can only date with confidence when you have all three of those.

“To know you is to fall in love with you, but only if you are already in love with yourself in the first place. Each morning, you should wake up and see yourself as the best you there is. Small flaws aside, you must fall in love with yourself first. Kate Northrup once said, ‘No one will value you more than you value yourself.’ Now you can date with confidence. Congratulations.”