“I’m not confident enough whenever I go out for a date with a woman,” says Adam, “I’ll ask a Slavic woman out for a date next week. Help!”

Are you here to impress her or to assess the connection?

Adam’s challenge is faced by a lot of men because in this day and age, many men use smartphones and computers to communicate with others all the time – their social skills in real life aren’t ideal due to lack of practice.

If you aren’t very confident while going out with a woman, usually that’s because you are trying to impress her. But unfortunately, this mindset lets the male ego come out in a relatively unproductive manner. You might assume that you should have all the answers. What’s more, the desire to look impressive gets in the way of connecting with her authentically. That’s why when you think you are here to impress a woman, you feel less confident on the date.

In contrast, when you think you are here to assess the connection with a woman, you feel much, much more confident. This approach takes the pressure off while you are on a date with someone. Through seeking a connection and assessing the quality of the connection instead of simply trying to impress a woman, you actually help her feel seen and figure out whether she makes you feel seen as well.

Basically, when you stop trying so hard to impress a woman and start to assess the connection on the date, you are changing the internal voice that you listen to. As a result, you are building and boosting your inner confidence proactively. In other words, you shouldn’t put her on a pedestal because you and this woman are equal. A date isn’t a job interview; a date has to be a two-way street.

How to correctly assess the connection on the first date with a Slavic woman:

The most important principle on the first date is to listen more and talk less. I’m not saying you will show the introverted aspect of your personality. I mean you are not supposed to talk too much. Note that when you overshare, you aren’t letting the romantic relationship build in an organic way.

On the first date with a Slavic woman, you just need to let her know that you are interesting, you are interested, you have positive energy, and you are very fun to be around. Then you allow the connection to grow organically.

Remember that the first date is a place for her to be seen and to connect with you as well. If you talk too much, you aren’t seeing her. Don’t forget that you can only see her by creating enough space for her on the first date.

“Assessing the quality of the connection is much more paramount than impressing a Slavic lady on the first date.”