If you would like to attract a high-quality Slavic lady, you need core confidence. But where does core confidence come from? In fact, core confidence comes from unconditional radical self-love, i.e., you know your worth no matter what happens. Your inner core is solid at all times. You can lose your job or get divorced, but you always know that you are a high-value guy. That’s the very definition of core confidence. This is easy to understand, yet where should you get started in this journey?

  • How to be more presentable:

You don’t necessarily need to look like Brad Pitt or David Beckham in order to attract a high-value Slavic woman, but you do have to be presentable. If you are already a presentable guy, you may want to become more presentable, so that your external confidence can boost your core confidence instantly.

The first step is to improve your grooming and fashion. Grooming includes daily shower and shampoo, cologne as well as clean clothes. Fashion includes what you wear on a daily basis & on special occasions.

Some people may need some kind of variation when it comes to grooming and fashion. When I was younger, I worked in the fashion retail industry. At that time, my job required me to wear clothes from the brands that I was working for, so I could only change my makeup and jewelry for self-expression (I’m a woman). After a while, I started to work for a luxury brand which required me to wear uniforms all the time at work & I wasn’t allowed to wear visible makeup (my makeup had to be extremely subtle); I wasn’t allowed to wear jewelry from other brands, but I couldn’t afford to buy luxury jewelry from that brand at that time. As a result, the only grooming that I was able to control was perfume which became my self-expression for quite a while.

If your situation is more flexible and gives you more freedom, you should consider buying several phenomenal outfits rather than 30 mediocre outfits that don’t give you joy. Don’t ignore your cleanliness and other details.

When you become more elegant and more presentable, you look much more confident immediately. In this way, you can also feel more confident instantly – that’s an effective method of boosting your core confidence quickly.

Slavic women

  • When you have core confidence, your love life will become better.

Most single people find it hard to start relationships because they lack core confidence – they don’t believe in their competence. Therefore, I’d like to encourage you to further boost your confidence by reading some helpful non-fiction self-help books about dating and relationships. I’m sure you will be equipped with more powerful knowledge and skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Do you have a reading list now?

Indeed, when your core confidence is backed up by true competence, you will be able to attract a Slavic woman in record time and build a happy and sustainable relationship with her.

“Slavic women are attracted to very confident men.”