Your life is shaped by your habits. If you do things quickly, you live a productive life and achieve more. If you listen to a podcast before you fall asleep at night, you learn more and become more knowledgeable. In this blog post, I’m going to discuss how you can change your habits, thereby changing your lifestyle and meeting Ukrainian women.

  • How I changed my habit:

A friend of mine has a compulsion – She can’t stop buying clothes. Her closet is huge and completely full. She even has to put some of her clothes under her bed!

After being hired by a clothing shop, she always buys something from that clothing shop every week because she likes the new stock.

I remember several years ago, I had a similar compulsion: I couldn’t stop buying jewelry. Because I was hired by a fashion brand, I was only allowed to wear clothes from that fashion brand. Consequently, jewelry was the only artistic expression that I could pursue – every day I went to jewelry stores to browse and I would buy at least a piece of jewelry each week. In the end I had to buy two big jewelry boxes just to keep all my jewelry properly!

One day a luxury brand’s manager approached me and was asking me if I would like to leave that fashion brand and work for her. During the chat, she told me that I couldn’t wear jewelry if I’m hired by her because in her company, employees are supposed to be minimalists, which is an effective way to help customers focus on their luxury products instead of being distracted by what’s on their staff members.

So, I stopped buying jewelry completely. Yet after that chat with the luxury brand’s manager, she decided not to hire me. Further analysis reveals that she realized that I actually have a PhD., whereas she never went to university; as a consequence, she thought I might take her job one day if I was hired by her.

My experienced told me that changing a habit is hard, but it becomes easy when I have to change it!

Actually, my mentor has a true story that may give you more inspiration: In 2000, my mentor graduated from university and a high-profile company offered him a job interview. Because he started his own business when he was still a university student, he was unwilling to be an employee. But his dad said to him, “You can always start your own business, yet this opportunity may not come again”. Hence, he went to the job interview. During the interview, he didn’t answer questions correctly, so he was not hired.

Now I have to make my own business work,” he said to his dad, “I will make it happen because I have to.”

That’s another example of changing direction in life when you have to do that!

If you aren’t improving your love life, chances are you don’t have to. In other words, you will improve your love life if you have to do that! Thus, if you are keen to meet Ukrainian women, please remind yourself that you actually have to meet them!

Ukrainian women

  • Which habits do you need to change?

If you have no time to do online dating, that means you should work on your time management. For instance, instead of cooking at home after work every night, can you buy a takeout on your way home? This new habit could save you about 1 hour each day.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to buy a takeout every day, but perhaps you can do it a few times a week so that you will have more time for yourself at night and then you can join an online dating site like and meet Ukrainian women more efficiently.

If you never start conversations with anyone, maybe it’s time to create a new habit – you will initiate a conversation with 3 new people each day. These people can be the person that is standing next to you at the coffee shop, the person that is sitting next to you on the train or the person that is serving you in the department store….

I’m sure this new habit will hone your conversation skills, so when you meet your Ukrainian lady, you will be able to be her charming gentleman.

“It’s time to start dating and meet your Ukrainian lady online.”