In dating and relationships, I always believe that if you leave the wrong person faster, you will find true love quicker. But perhaps you tend to chat with many people on an internet dating website, so how do you know you’ve met the right person amongst so many high-quality candidates online?

  • What’s the most paramount part of a long-term relationship?

Connection is a beautiful part in a relationship. Nevertheless, I would argue that connection is the prerequisite of a serious relationship and it’s not the most paramount part of a relationship. Please let me explain.

From my perspective, connection, attraction and chemistry are just like the raw materials on a piece of land; in order to build a castle, you have to put raw materials together carefully and tactfully. As a result, the right woman has to be a builder who is happy to work with you so as to build this castle together.

In other words, you need to find a team member who can collaborate with you in order to make this relationship work because every relationship requires some good work!

Here is my principle: Never invest in a woman based on how much you are attracted to her; always invest in a woman based on how much she has invested in you and this relationship! If the lady that you are chatting with on an internet dating website responds to your messages in time, joins your video & audio chat on time and pays attention to everything you say, she is willing to invest in this serious relationship with you. Chances are she is a real builder that you shouldn’t miss out on as you may have connection with many women, yet builders aren’t very commonplace. Please cherish what you have!

internet dating

  • Never ignore red flags.

It’s easy to admire someone that you feel attracted to because of the chemistry. If you’ve chatted with a woman on an internet dating platform for a while, maybe you don’t really know her very well, so at this stage, it’s just visual chemistry and some basic understanding. Therefore, you would be well-advised to meet her in person as soon as possible.

On the first date, you will find out whether the connection is solid or not. Then what you will look for is how much she invests in this relationship with you. Does she want to see you again? Does she make plans to build a future with you?

Usually, people tell us who they are early, but we choose to believe what we want to believe. Hence, I highly encourage you to observe this lady on the first date very carefully and identify red flags early. Does she treat the waiter or waitress well? Does she listen to you when you are talking? Does she have any passion in life?

By the way, don’t ignore green flags either! If a woman is well-mannered, respectful, caring, nurturing and passionate about life, these are all green flags that you need to pay attention to as well. Always find out the truth before making a major decision.

Of course, you need to make sure that you and this lady are actually compatible. By that I mean both of you should have compatible lifestyles if you are looking for a long-lasting relationship that will last forever. For example, the way you spend your free time and the way she spends her free time must be compatible if you are going to start a meaningful and satisfying relationship. Also, your value system and her value system have to be compatible, provided you want to make this relationship last for a lifetime!

I wish you a very happy dating life!

Internet dating sites give you many options, but you still need to know how to find out which option is the best.”