Nobody wants to be hurt in dating and relationships, so I’d like to give some advice on dating safely today & you will benefit from the information in this article.

  • Misconception 1: “We have been dating for two months, so this must be real.”

Truthfully, the feeling of hopelessness after someone suddenly disappears on you is about the potential of where the relationship was going as well as the connection you thought you had. Many daters take their partners’ attention, affection and communication to mean that this must be serious. Remember: time alone doesn’t bond two individuals. You have been dating every single day for two months, yet if that person has not dropped their guard or taken extra steps to actually get to know you past the point of just hanging out, it’s only as serious as Week 1. Note that when a person feels serious about you, they will want to get serious and lock you down. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with timeframe. If that person doesn’t have a sense of urgency, then they are thinking hanging out with you is a good time, nothing more. Always look at how you are treated by someone, not just how long that person has been around you. That person’s behavior is much more important than how long they have been around you. This is the most important advice on dating safely.

  • Misconception 2: “I’ve met my partner’s parents, so this must be serious.”

This is another very common misconception in dating and relationships. Unfortunately, nowadays meeting the parents is not as big a deal as it used to be. You should be properly introduced to the family in today’s day and age.

I know many daters who have met their partner’s parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts (they have even gone out for a picnic or a barbecue together), but they are still in relationship purgatory. They were saying, “I have met my partner’s family, including all the cousins. That means this is a serious relationship, right?” In reality, these days people don’t really think that far ahead. Sadly, in this day and age, taking someone that you’re dating around family is only convenience, nothing more. This isn’t the proof that indicates a serious relationship. If you haven’t been in the dating scene for years, this can be the most useful advice on dating safely for you today.

Therefore, don’t let meeting your partner’s parents and even becoming close to the family get you excited. Even if you talk to the family on the phone regularly, you are still not in the family. Until your partner actually wants to be serious and shows you this fact, don’t get too excited.

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  • Misconception 3: “My partner is always with friends, so I’m not good enough.”

People enjoy different activities. For example, men may want to watch a football game, whereas women might want to go shopping. No matter how much you have in common and how much you love being around that individual, there will be times when your partner has to be “the other version” of themselves. This is just like at your job you are professional, but when you are hanging out with your friends and family on a Saturday night, you are very playful.

This is my sincere advice on dating safely: When your partner is hanging out with friends instead of you, your partner is probably looking for balance only. This isn’t about you at all.

Having said that, if your partner is spending more than 4 nights per week with friends rather than with you, there is possibly an issue in your relationship, e.g., maybe your partner sees friends as more interesting or entertaining than you are. Nevertheless, if your partner spends 3 nights with friends and 4 nights with you each week, that’s not a problem. You need to get over your jealousy. Remember: the more you try to control your partner, the more your partner wants to rebel against you.

“What this blog is saying isn’t necessarily something that you want to hear, but it’s the truth.”