The best way to upgrade your social circle is to surround yourself with people that you genuinely like and admire – those who could open up a brand-new world to you. Join a Meet Up group; create a profile on a dating website; attend a class to learn something. These activities bring new people to your life. Then you can select good dates and find a suitable Eastern European woman, thereby starting a new relationship.

Ask yourself key questions.

Discover honest answers to these questions in terms of friends as well as dates:

  • How does this person make me actually feel? (Some people get stuck when it comes to answering this question because admitting a certain feeling is surprisingly difficult. If someone makes you feel angry, please honestly admit that. According to American entrepreneur Tom Bilyeu, anger is actually a productive emotion as it makes us more efficient and effective – it becomes a kind of momentum which can help us to achieve our goals.)
  • Do I truly feel better when I am with this person? (Some men want relationships because they fear loneliness. As they start relationships due to fear, they often make bad decisions. Consequently, they might not actually feel better when they are in relationships – being in a wrong relationship is very stressful.)
  • How does this person talk about her ex? (When you are dating a woman, please notice how she talks about her ex. If she describes her ex in a negative way, that usually means she hasn’t grown out of her past yet.)

Don’t ignore red flags in dating and relationships.

When you feel chemistry and attraction, you might ignore red flags. My mentor once said, “The problems you have on the fourth date, you will have forever.” So, you must keep an eye out for major red flags in dating. Oftentimes, I encourage people to give it a few dates while getting to know someone. In reality, a second date could make a great impact on a 1st impression because some Eastern European women tend to be nervous on the 1st date – some people are so shy that they talk too much & don’t ask enough questions.

Of course, do remember to let love grow organically. Note that when you make up your mind about a woman too quickly, the potential danger is she doesn’t feel like she is earning your attention, your approval, your connection and your admiration naturally.

Although an emotional connection is nice, your certainty might be perceived as intensity. That means when she is assessing and making up her mind about you, you believe she is the right person already. When that happens, you don’t have any perceived challenge anymore. As a consequence, the emotional connection doesn’t have space or time to breathe – it can’t be organically built as you have decided it is present already. Don’t forget that without perceived challenge, it’s difficult to build the push/pull as well as the tension which leads to strong chemistry and unstoppable attraction. What’s more, a part of attraction is the exciting anticipation: “I feel the chemistry, but does this person also feel the chemistry?”

Why not allow the situation to play out and pay attention to what unfolds in reality? As a matter of fact, you’d better let her earn your affection and approval a little at a time, for her value and her character in your love life could only be proven over time – it can’t happen too quickly.

 “Eastern European women are honest people who value traditional family dynamics.”