So you’ve just had the first date with a Slavic woman, and now you are wondering how to get the second date & start a healthy, long-term relationship with her. The key is to keep her interested!

  • Find out how you are perceived by her and tell her something that contradicts that stereotype.  

If you are a very serious professor, you should talk about the funny song you are listening to. If you are an athlete, you can talk about a personal development book you have been reading this week. In this way, the Slavic woman will realize that she hasn’t figured you out yet. Now you are even more interesting and attractive.

When you ask her out for the second date, you can say, “Let’s prepare a bizarre question to ask each other on our second date.” Some unexpected questions that you can ask: “If you can wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow morning, where would you like to wake up?” / “If you can stay at a certain age forever, how old would you like to be?” / “If you can have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you like to have dinner with?” / If you can live in an era any time in history, when would you like to live in?”

Before the second date, you would be well-advised to watch TV, listen to some relaxing music or have a bath. In fact, things that have absolutely nothing to do with dating and relationships can add an unbelievable amount of positive energy to your dating life. It’s better to use that positivity and momentum now.

Slavic women

  • Don’t let your past hold you back.

Brandon was in a very stressful relationship for years. After he left that relationship, his parents often talk about how evil his ex is & how stupid Brandon is. As a result, Brandon told his parents that actually his own nature is insidious when he was in that toxic relationship, which implies that his IQ isn’t low. Actually, his previous relationship wasn’t a zero-sum game because his results in life are good in the end despite that type of stress & he broke up with his ex in time. Apparently, Brandon is not dumb at all; he is an introverted smart cookie and his evil ex deserves that ending because Brandon was used and abused (he simply outsmarted her in the big picture).

A lot of relationships are truly stressful, so we have built this website to offer you safer dating advice & we hope this blog can help you build successful, happy and satisfying relationships. If you had a stressful relationship in the past, please don’t let that hold you back. Perhaps your family and friends may blame you for being unintelligent in your previous relationship; however, you know what your intelligence is actually like. The fact that you’ve been reading this blog and learning dating skills now means you are intelligent and growth-driven.

Your past makes you wiser and worldlier. You learn from your past. If you are ready to date a Slavic woman now, please never allow your past to hold you back. Don’t think about the conversations you had in the past with anyone. Don’t overthink from now on. It’s time to focus on what gives you good energy and improve your lifestyle today.

“In order to keep a Slavic lady interested in seeing you, you should prioritize your communication strategies.”