People value what they earn. Let’s say you have two cars (and they are the same). You bought one car after working extremely hard and saving money in order to buy it; you got the other car because you won a random competition – someone gave the car to you for free. Which car do you cherish more? Similarly, if you make a Slavic woman earn her place in your life, she will cherish this relationship with you more!

  • You need time to think about each other.

If your relationship is your entire world, that actually means you should become a multi-dimensional person because you must have other things going on in your life: your career, hobbies, social circle, etc.

When you and your Slavic lady are spending time apart, you literally have more time to think about each other! This fuels imagination which makes you feel more attracted to each other! So, when you come back, the relationship is going to be even better! In other words, that little dance is fun as it’s a part of the romance.

Also, when you spend some time apart, you understand your relationship better. Here is an analogy: When you stand too close to an elephant, you can only see a gray wall. But when you stand far away from the elephant, you are able to see the entire elephant. That’s because when you are too close to something, you can’t see the big picture. Therefore, in order to have a better understanding of your romantic relationship, you’d better have some time apart.

What would you do if you have 12 free hours right now? Would you read a book or watch a TV show? Would you browse fashion blogs or go out for a walk along the beach? Note that your relationship isn’t your whole life; it’s a part of your life. 

Slavic women

  • There is room for both romance and logic in each stage of a romantic relationship

Logic and romance should dance together rather than fighting each other in a relationship. Sometimes, you need logic to figure out certain things in your love life; sometimes, you need romance to feel the intense attraction.

In my view, it’s very important to maintain other key parts of your life because you have to remain a challenge – perceived challenge keeps your Slavic lady interested.

Please be careful of tying your self-esteem to a romantic relationship. Be sure to have interesting things outside of your relationship that you are genuinely passionate about – your hobbies, career, and so forth. 

“Nurturing various areas of your life definitely helps you build a healthier love life because a Slavic lady is attracted to a multi-dimensional guy.”