Self-respect is so key in a successful romantic relationship. Whenever you choose self-respect, Eastern European women like you more because they can see that you are a high-value guy with high self-esteem: your perceived value and perceived challenge are both higher.

  • How to prioritize self-respect:

First and foremost, you have to set clear boundaries in your romantic relationship with an Eastern European woman. Yes, she is an attractive and elegant lady, but every sustainable relationship needs solid boundaries because without clear boundaries, nobody knows what the expectations are. Therefore, it’s of vital importance to communicate your boundaries cleanly and clearly early in a relationship. For example, if you don’t chat with anyone after 11:30 pm because high-quality sleep is important to you or you are a morning person & you need to wake up early every day so as to do some paramount work first thing in the morning, you’d better let your lady know that this is your long-term habit that you would like to stick to: no phone call/text message after 11:30 pm at night.

Second, you would be well-advised to have some standards. Women definitely respect you much more when they are aware of your high standards. Please note that you don’t need a long list of standards in order to be a high-value and attractive man, but you certainly need three key standards that can’t be compromised at all – the right person has to meet your basic key standards. For example, Mat is looking for a girlfriend – his 3 standards are: this woman has to be well-educated; she has to come from a good family; she must be kind. These are his non-negotiable standards that the right woman needs to meet in the first place. Due to this clarity, Mat is able to find the right candidate faster.

Eastern European women


  • Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides.

If you find dating and relationships challenging, you are surely not alone because your issues are not that unique. After being a relationship consultant for more than two decades, I have noticed that in truth, everyone’s life is painful. Sometimes I receive an email from a reader who tells me about his problems in his life and he says his situation is unique, but in fact, that was the third time for me to read something like that in my email inbox on that day. Clearly, a lot of people have the same challenges that they have to deal with in their lives.

These days everyone is on social media and writing comments on each other’s posts online, but loneliness is a secret epidemic that nobody wants to talk about nowadays. Both Japan and the United Kingdom have a Minister of Loneliness in the government – this person’s job is to alleviate the loneliness that people feel in this day and age because loneliness is just as harmful as smoking in the long term, according to scientific and medical research. As a result, if you have a relationship, please do cherish what you have and look after your romantic relationship. In this way, your Eastern European lady will take care of you, too.

“A successful relationship determines how happy you are in life because your relationship is a big part of your life. I wish you and your Eastern European lady a very satisfying love life.”