Do you have the social skills that you need in order to meet more people and date a woman from Eastern Europe? If you are still working on your social skills, this blog post will definitely give you some helpful insights!

  • How you talk is just as important as what you say.

In order to become an attractive and interesting individual, maybe you have a lot of work to do: seeing movies, reading books, finding mentors…. A friend of mine spends several minutes each day reading the news on the Internet so that he knows what’s happening in the world and has something to talk about with others.

If you really can’t stand the news, you don’t necessarily need to read the news. However, you have to know what you fill your brain with each day. Are you filling your brain with social media content? Or are you filling your brain with very healthy information from educational programs and useful books?

That being said, I do have the fast-track to a stimulating conversation: When you chat with others, you can sound excited over the dullest topics. This alone will make you look like a much more interesting person instantly.

Honestly, the majority of the people that you meet every day aren’t having particularly interesting conversations all the time – when two individuals meet, they oftentimes do some kind of basic small talk. But the small talk can be fun as well, because you may make your boring answer to “How are you?” more engaging when you change your tone!

Please have a look at the example below:

A LADY AT A PARTY: Hello. How are you today?

YOU: I tried some of the snacks here just now. (Your answer isn’t extremely exciting; however, your tone can be exciting. This lady may ask which snacks you’ve tried, then your further comment can sound exciting again by having a more exciting tone.)

women from Eastern Europe

  • Do you have extroverted friends?


If you are an introvert, you should totally have some extroverted friends because spending time with people who are very different from you can help you to expand your outlook quickly.


I have a friend who has a great sense of fashion. His jewelry is from Tiffany & Co. His shirts, pants and jackets are from SABA. His bag is from LV. Interestingly, he doesn’t spend a lot of money on fashion – all he does in this regard is to buy less (but buy better). In this way, he is always very presentable and he feels absolutely great whenever he goes out. Because I learned a lot about fashion from him, my fashion has been improved as well. Now instead of buying 30 cheap outfits, I would buy several outstanding outfits. As a result, I feel really good every single day. Feeling good is actually very important because that’s the foundation for my wellbeing.


Basically, that means your behavior can be significantly influenced by your friends. Who you hang out with is just as important as what you do in your spare time. If you have some extroverted friends, they will take you to parties and social events, so you will have more opportunities to meet more people and date women from Eastern Europe.


“Women from Eastern Europe are very honest people.”