Confidence is a big topic. If you read books about how to have confidence, chances are those authors would tell you that you have to work on your inner game, i.e., you should work on your mindset and then you will become confident. But I would argue that the power of external confidence shouldn’t be ignored because your external confidence can instantly influence your inner confidence. This is obviously true in international dating. Please let me explain.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of physiology.

How you move actually determines how you feel directly.

When you get up in the morning, before having a shower, I’d like you to dance to the music for 5 minutes – simply listen to your favorite song and dance!

This morning routine will change how you feel throughout the day because physiology leads psychology!

Another way to leverage this idea is to improve your fashion and grooming, thereby making yourself feel better.

For instance, you may consider buying several dynamite outfits that can transform your look immediately.

In other words, instead of buying 20 cheap outfits, you would be well-advised to buy 2 high-end outfits that actually make you look good instantly.

In this way, you will feel good most of the time! Your mood is the foundation of the action you take in international dating!

Now I’d like to share with you something that I’ve tried before:

Each time I go to a social gathering, I always wear a piece of unique jewelry because unusual jewelry is a highly effective conversation starter.

If you aren’t a fan of jewelry, you can wear some quirky accessories such as a funky belt or a statement tie that is able to spark interesting conversations.

Apparently, fashion is a way to meet more people at parties.

international dating

  • How to look absolutely confident:

Whenever you attend a party, please stand in the center of the room.

Don’t stand too close to the wall or near the snacks most of the time.

That is to say, you should take much more space and demonstrate your presence in a social setting.

Additionally, every time you go through a big door, always walk straight through the middle instead of walking on one side.

This shows your confidence as well.

Next time you sit in a restaurant, remember to take the seat at the very end of the table so you can face the entrance – this is the power position that will make you look totally confident.

But of course, if there is an existing hierarchy which has already been established, you probably can’t sit in the power position, but that’s okay!

By the way, while exploring international dating, you might need to work on your eye contact with a woman.

For example, after smiling at her, you silently say “I like you” – in this moment, your eye contact will look natural, confident and attractive. Good luck in this journey!

“The first date is extremely important because it’s the foundation of your future communication with a woman.”