People are emotional – that’s human nature. When we let emotions run our lives, we are weak, so we shouldn’t do that. Emotions are constantly affecting our decisions as well as thought processes, significantly below the standard level of our awareness. If we understand how emotions work, we can leverage our emotions to improve online dating results. 

  • What emotions can we afford?

As I see it, the only emotions that we can afford is energy and excitement because energy and excitement bring positivity and good results to us. 

When we say someone has their flair, we are actually saying that person has great energy – we are attracted to their energy. That can be the way they talk, the way they walk, the way they present themselves, the way they think, etc. If you find someone’s energy very attractive, you can pause and think about why you find that energy attractive because that’s your intuition telling you something important: you need that type of energy because that energy energizes you.  

Research shows that anxiety and excitement come from the same area in the brain. Indeed, you probably can’t fall asleep when you are anxious or excited. Since anxiety is common, it’s not hard to channel our anxiety into something helpful, i.e., excitement.   

My mentor asked me to bring passion to everything I do & everything I touch. I really appreciate his advice. Meanwhile, I’d like to point out that passion is a combination of energy and excitement. We don’t have to make passion too complicated by saying, “Find out your passion; follow your passion” as if passion is only about something huge like your career. I think passion can be anything in our lives if we see it as energy and excitement: It’s perfectly okay to be passionate about cooking, doing housework, gardening and hanging out with your kids.


  • How to bring energy and excitement to online dating:

Don’t see online dating as some sort of obligation that you have to do. Please regard internet dating as something that brings you energy & excitement. Yes, every time you chat with a candidate, there is hope. Every time you go out with someone for a date, there is a potential relationship. A study shows that almost half of modern couples met each other on the Internet these days, so internet dating is extremely commonplace now.

Nearly all singles that I know have at least tried internet dating nowadays. So, you could be the next success story! 

“Remember to use your best English grammar and spelling while chatting with women on dating websites because you should bring energy and excitement to this journey proactively.”