Your mindset determines your reality because your personality is your personal reality. If you are unhappy with your love life right now, please work on your mindset because it’s so important.

  • A positive mindset creates a happy relationship.

When you are standing at a bus stop, please listen to what other people around you are talking about. According to Law of Averages, chances are most of these people are complaining about someone or something, e.g., their job, their boss, their neighbor, the bus, etc. Further examination reveals that a lot of people use their problems to connect with other people. In psychology, that’s called ‘secondary benefits’, i.e., people dwell on something negative or keep a bad habit because they actually gain something from that negative thought or behavior. For example, some people eat junk food because they like the taste. Some people stay in toxic relationships because they like the drama and the attention they get while complaining about their partner and their problems.

If you would like to have a happy life, you must avoid the above-mentioned pattern. You have to cultivate a positive mindset because the fact that you are reading this blog right now means you are not the average Joe.

Please note that it’s your responsibility to master your mindset and feel good. I understand that feeling good all the time is impossible, but you can take action to change your thoughts. For instance, you can change your physiology by having a walk, listening to your favorite song and dancing to the music. Then your physiology changes your psychology. I’m sure a Slavic woman would appreciate a happy husband!

Slavic women

  • Acknowledge what you are grateful for.

Before going to sleep every night, I’d like you to tell your partner 3 things that you are grateful for today. And she also tells you 3 things that she is grateful for today. This routine will help you create a healthy relationship with a Slavic woman.

Gratitude is very powerful because it makes you focus on the positives in life. When you acknowledge the gratitude, please notice how you feel – your body feels expansive and relaxed; your mind feels calm and upbeat; your spirit feels cheerful and positive. Your vibration is high, so you can attract satisfaction into your life.

 “Slavic women highly value love, appreciation and relationships.”