Are you ready to join an international dating site? Well, this is a list of six important questions that you may want to ask yourself before taking action. 😊

1. What is my Unique Selling Point (USP)?

A Unique Selling Point (USP) is something impressive that is unique to you. Here are some great examples of USPs:

  1. A good sense of humor – This is actually quite rare because the keyword is good rather than humor. Many men can tell jokes, but most of them are not very well-calibrated. Some of them can be annoying when they don’t know what they are doing. ☹
  2. Intelligence – Surprisingly, this quality is also not very common because this is more than having a high IQ. Actually, intelligence is also about being worldly and sophisticated: Is your knowledge up-to-date? Are you a life-long learner? 😉
  3. Good looks – Frankly, good-looking men are not More specifically, men who have good looks and attractive behavior can easily create a gem-stone effect. Honestly, my mom married my dad because of his good looks: When she was about to give him a rejection due to her very high standards, her friend said to her, “This guy is so good-looking. If you look at men in the street, how many of them are very good-looking? You are not a good-looking woman, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!” (Well, my mom wasn’t impressed by her friend’s comment, but she married my dad.) 😊

2. Do I have a good understanding of Slavic women?

If you lack a profound understanding of how Eastern European women operate, you are probably not ready for international dating… yet.

Truthfully, men who are happily married to Slavic wives generally have a very good understanding of how Slavic ladies operate in life and in love. Realistically, you will only get what you can understand. Moreover, the cosmos will only give you what you can handle. Period.

To help you understand Eastern European ladies, I’ve prepared some key ideas below.

  1. Women in Eastern Europe are very feminine, traditional and elegant. They have a good sense of fashion and are always presentable.
  2. Women from Eastern Europe are very health-conscious. They are slim and fit. Unlike western women who are oftentimes overweight, Slavic women work out regularly and look after themselves.
  3. Ladies in Eastern Europe respect men, value family and have realistic standards. That means if you are married to an Eastern European wife, she will respect you, take care of children and be down-to-earth.

3. What can I offer my Eastern European girlfriend?

Everybody is thinking… “What’s in it for me?” But that’s a huge mistake as in life you won’t get what you deserve; you can only get what you give. This is Law of Reciprocity.

So, before joining an international dating website, you need to ask yourself what you are able to offer your Eastern European lady. Perhaps you can provide her with a stable love life. Or maybe you can travel the world with her. Identify what value you can add first.

international dating

4. What type of women am I attracted to?

You have to define your type before joining an international dating site. Do you prefer a younger woman in her 20s? Or do you like a mature lady in her 40s? Know what you seek; you are more likely to attract what you are looking for.

5. What are my standards in dating and relationships?

This is probably the most important question of all.

You should have two lists of standards: 1) non-negotiable standards; 2) negotiable standards.

Some typical non-negotiable standards are: kindness, loyalty and intelligence. Some negotiable standards can be: height, age and weight.

Please stick to your non-negotiables at all times no matter how beautiful a woman is. Don’t ignore a red flag simply because she is pretty.

6. Are my dating skills good enough?

Most men’s biggest enemy is the male ego. A lot of guys can’t admit that they don’t really have enough dating skills in order to succeed in the dating department. In truth, when you can objectively evaluate what you are able to do, you will know what you should work on.

Let’s say you are looking to improve your dating skills. You may read some valuable books about female psychology or buy an educational online program about communication skills in international dating and relationships.

“Eastern European women value innocence, virtue and motherhood. They are more traditional than western women.”