After interviewing many Ukrainian ladies, I can confirm that true love definitely exists. As I see it, whether unconditional love exists or not is a question that we can explore. Please let me explain.

  • There is a misconception that mentors help you unconditionally.

Let’s start from looking at mentorship if you are wondering where in your life you could use more mentors. It is said that you are the average of five people you spend your time with, so having some mentors is certainly very important for your personal growth – no one gets there alone. Who has influence over you? They are your real mentors and real peer group.

When you try to build your dream team, you realize that you need fresh blood in your social circle. But in reality, you should be aware of this fact: no one has the obligation to help you. Your mentors don’t have unconditional love for you. No relationship will last where there is no win-win.

  • Even your parents’ love for you is conditional to some degree.

Perhaps the greatest love of all is parents’ love for their children, but even that is oftentimes not unconditional love. Most parents expect their children to be successful and treat them well when they are old. In other words, parents expect to have Return on Investment (ROI), and there is nothing wrong with that.

I spoke to a Ukrainian lady who told me that her grandmother had children because she had to – her children were her retirement plan, as at that time, that was the only way to have financial security when someone gets old.

Ukrainian lady

  • Instead of focusing on looking for unconditional love, you’d better focus on how you contribute to a relationship – what value can you bring to the table?

In my view, unconditional love doesn’t exist in romantic relationships because only mutually beneficial relationships can last forever – everyone is thinking, “What’s in it for me?”

A relationship has three pillars: 1) emotional connection; 2) intimacy; 3) mutual benefits. Frankly, it’s hard to measure emotional connection, although it’s the most important part of a relationship. Also, intimacy may decrease as time goes by. Therefore, mutual benefits could be the most sustainable factor in a long-term relationship.

Develop some rituals that make you bring value to a relationship – your rituals write the script you want for your life. For example, you spend quality time with your Ukrainian wife every weekend; you have a date night with your wife from Ukraine every Wednesday night.

These rituals will make your love life more meaningful and interesting.

“In order to attract a beautiful lady from Ukraine, you have to be amazing yourself!”