Some so-called dating gurus tend to teach tactics such as “text someone for a while and then stop texting for a while so that she can feel your absence”. But I would argue that playing mind games is definitely a bad idea because if you play games with women, you will only attract the wrong person who merely responds to unhealthy tactics. As a consequence, you can’t build a healthy relationship in the long run. Remember: Good people don’t respond to mind games – it doesn’t work! People who are grounded have careers, family, friends and hobbies to keep them busy. As a result, they don’t have time for mind games. Genuine people respond to genuineness.

  • Why do you want to have a relationship?

Some people want a relationship because of the pressure from their family, peer pressure, the society’s expectations, external validation, etc. But these are not the right reasons for someone to want a relationship.

A friend of mine went to university to study physiotherapy because she was very interested in sports when she was at school, but she didn’t believe that she could play sports until she retires. That’s why she thought if she becomes a physiotherapist, she could work with athletes. Yet she realized that studying to become a physio is too hard for her as she wasn’t really into the topic. She told me that she clearly chose a major for the wrong reason, so she changed her major. Now she is studying education and she will become a teacher because she genuinely likes teaching.

Similarly, if you are looking for a relationship with a Slavic woman right now, please ask yourself why you want a relationship in the first place. I hope you have the right reasons for wanting a serious relationship and be centered in who you are: what you do, what you say and what you think about are aligned. In other words, you are not living in cognitive dissonance.  You don’t tolerate nonsense in your life.

Slavic women

  • Your relationship can’t be a band-aid for something else in your life.

When you go out for a date, please don’t have this type of vibe: “I don’t have anything exciting going on in my life, and I need a relationship to feel good.” Note that having a relationship won’t solve other problems in your life.

More exactly, you have to show desire without dependence while dating a Slavic woman. This is a crucial balance. You have the confidence and things that you deeply care about, so you wouldn’t suddenly drop everything just because you’ve met someone great. Meanwhile, you are confident enough to show sufficient desire when you meet someone great. You are able to say, “I think you are awesome. I’m having a really good time.”

Multidimensionality is incredibly important to keep someone interested in you. A Slavic woman needs to know that you are serious, fun, intelligent, playful, knowledgeable and spontaneous – this interplay keeps her permanently interested!

What keeps a high-quality woman interested is loose energy and high standards, i.e., you are totally relaxed, but at the same time, your standards are high & your boundaries are strong. Sadly, many people are doing the complete opposite: Their energy looks extremely serious, but they don’t have strong boundaries/high standards. Don’t be one of them!

“Should you show more desire or more independence on your next date?”