Many couples make a typical mistake: When they fall in love, they isolate themselves, i.e., they spend all their free time together without hanging out with other people in their social circle. Unfortunately, after some time, they start to wonder why they feel less attracted to each other in their relationship. Therefore, if you are in an international relationship, please don’t isolate yourselves as a new couple!

  • Take your partner to a work event or a social event.

It’s important to go out with your partner as a couple and join some events because this will make your partner feel attracted to you even more. Please let me explain.

When you take your partner to your work event, your partner can see how much people at work respect you as a person and admire your talent. In this way, you are showing your partner another side of yourself – now you are more interesting. If you take your partner to a social event, your partner can see that you are able to work the room and socialize with other people effortlessly (but you are not flirting with other women). Your social skills will make you look even more attractive in your partner’s eyes. 

What’s more, going out socially with your partner gives you more fun things to do in your international relationship. Now your love life has more variety: It’s not just about having a date night once a week or spending all your spare time on the couch while watching TV and eating take-away food; your love life is multidimensional – you have other stimulating activities to do together as a couple. This will make your relationship stronger and stronger. Let’s say your partner is from Eastern Europe and you are from a western country. Taking your partner to your social events or your work events is a good way to show your partner the cultural differences as well, thereby letting her know how she is supposed to treat you. 

  • Show her that you are self-entertained. 

Your partner needs to know that you are not bored when you are alone because you have wonderful things that keep you occupied. As a result, she will realize that you are not waiting for her to bring you the party – you are bringing the party here. You are the party. That’s very attractive because this relationship doesn’t make her feel heavy; instead, this international relationship allows her to pursue other goals and exciting things in life. This relationship gives her more energy! People who are self-entertained are not draining because these high-value people don’t need external validation. Thus, you should be the source of this self-amused energy. 

You have probably noticed this in your friends, too. The great friend that you want to hang out with is usually the person who enters a room and everything feels lighter, for this person is not here to say, “Can you please entertain me?”

“In order to keep your partnered attracted, you would be well-advised to be grounded and centered at all times.”