A high-value Ukrainian lady deserves a high-quality relationship. If you are a confident guy and you believe that a romantic relationship with you is a high-quality relationship, perhaps you should marry an elegant Ukrainian woman who admires and respects you 100%.

  • Becoming a high-value guy starts from talking like a high-value guy.

Do you know your high standards? If you are aware of your standards, you wouldn’t be needy because you have to filter women and find the right candidate who can meet your standards.

When you are on a date with a Ukrainian lady, please remember to communicate your standards clearly and cleanly, e.g., “I believe in real love and I am sure the right couple can stay together for a lifetime”, “My grandparents’ marriage is so inspiring. Seeing how they help each other inspires me in the kind of marriage that I’d love to create in future” and “The lady that I will marry is certainly someone who has a big heart because there are a lot of pretty women in this world, yet that doesn’t make them interesting or good with people. I think kindness means so much more to me.”

What’s more, you can talk about the type of future you are looking to build without sounding needy, e.g., “I come from a traditional family, so I understand the importance of family. The idea of starting my own family one day is so magical” & “I love you, so I can’t help but think of the beautiful future that you and I will create together. I’m excited when I think about us staying together forever.”

If this Ukrainian lady loves you, she will reciprocate by saying something like “I totally agree with you. I’m also excited about our future.”

Ukrainian women

  • Talk about your life in exciting terms.

Are you passionate about your life and your career? Do you love simple things in life?

Even if you think your life is a bit boring, you still need to find a way to identify excitement in your daily life. Maybe the eBook that you have been reading on Kindle is actually quite exciting because these days there are more writers than readers in this world & you are actually an avid reader with the right amount of curiosity.

Also, even if you don’t have much going on in life, you can create excitement by finding something to look forward to. For instance, think about which singer you admire and then buy that singer’s concert ticket now. Then you will have something very exciting to look forward to. The anticipation will make you feel more energized.

When you’re energized, you look more captivating on a date with a Ukrainian woman. You will naturally have more interesting things to talk about and she will be more interested in you.

Remember: women are more interested in men who are already interesting.

By the way, you can also figure out what makes your Ukrainian lady excited. Perhaps she wants to get married and have children, so you can talk about how much you look forward to your marriage in the future. If she doesn’t want to have children (and you don’t want to have children either), you can talk about the overseas trips that you will have together in future. Always have something beautiful to look forward to right now.

Note that passion is powerful – people around you can feel your passion and they are inspired by your passion. Therefore, I’m sure your Ukrainian girlfriend is attracted to you because of your passion. 😉

“Bring passion to everything you do in life.”