If you are on an international dating site like SimplyDating.com, chances are you have met many women from Eastern Europe online already. Now do you know which woman is the right person for you?

  • Does this woman from Eastern Europe go out of her way to invest in this romantic relationship?

If someone goes the extra mile to impress you, look after you, make you happy and invest in this relationship, that is a builder because she is happy to build a compelling and beautiful future with you. She doesn’t feel entitled; she knows that in order to have a successful love life, she must work for it.

Does she ask questions about you?

Is she curious about your life?

Does she admire your work ethic?

Is she interested in your blueprint?

Does she want to be a part of your amazing life?

Is she looking forward to creating a wonderful future that includes you in it?

Eastern European women

  • You would be well-advised to marry a relationship-worthy woman.

In reality, not every woman is able to maintain a long-term relationship; consequently, 50% of couples in western countries get divorced.

Here are some typical qualities of a relationship-worthy woman:

  1. She focuses on discovering your qualities instead of impressing you. Usually, if a woman is busy trying to impress you, she probably has a lot of insecurities that she can’t deal with. But it’s not your job to fix her insecurities for her because she is responsible for her life.
  2. She creates time just for you. Even if she is extremely busy, she still has to create time for her romantic relationship because her love life is very important to her. If she doesn’t prioritize her love life, she isn’t a relationship-worthy woman. End of story.
  3. She makes solid plans for her future and she is looking forward to a phenomenal future with you. Note that if she only talks about her future in an abstract or dreamy way, chances are she isn’t serious enough. However, if she has made real plans to be with you and marry you, that means she is relationship-worthy! Congratulations!
  4. She opens up about herself to you genuinely because she trusts you completely. If she trusts you fully, that usually means she is a trustworthy person because she can see you are a great guy that she shouldn’t miss out on! Remember: women from Eastern Europe respect men, so your Eastern European girlfriend is supposed to respect, trust and admire you at all times!
  5. She tells you that she loves you. Please appreciate her honesty! According to my experience, people from Eastern Europe are quite honest, so if your Eastern European lady tells you that she loves you, please believe her and enjoy your relationship.

“If you know your girlfriend well enough, you would know whether she is relationship-worthy or not.”