When you are in love with someone, it’s easy to be madly in love and then lose yourself. Therefore, today, I’m going to write about how to stay deeply in love with a Ukrainian woman without losing yourself. 😉

  • Don’t forget your friends.

It’s very important to maintain your social circle when you are in a relationship because your friends are the family that you choose to have based on your values.

In 2008 when the economy wasn’t great, I was made redundant by the employer because the entire organization was shut down. At that time, I reconnected with a friend that I hadn’t spoken to for a few years – We didn’t contact each other for quite a while because of some external factors, but anyway, we found each other again: She told me that she was made redundant by her employer at the end of 2007 due to the economy, and then she found other jobs because she was inspired by something that I shared with her previously… and we talked on the phone for hours. Our connection was built by mutual support – I helped her find her first real job when we met each other many years ago; she helped me to come up with new ideas regarding employment during the recession. Although in the end, I found a job by myself without her help, I’m still grateful for her input as well as something that I didn’t expect: She introduced the idea of second-hand shopping to me, which is a fantastic way to save money when jobs are hard to find. In the past, I never thought of going to a second-hand store, but now I’m excited whenever I find something valuable in a second-hand shop. “Going to a second-hand store feels like having financial freedom,” says this friend of mine, “Almost everything that I own now is a second-hand item.”

Indeed, my friends have expanded my outlook tremendously. Recently, I have a new friend who introduced the idea of interior decoration to me because she is an interior designer. After reading her blog and watching her YouTube videos, I’ve learned so much from her. Yes, this interior designer has taught me many things regarding how to give my house a much better ambiance. In the past, I didn’t really like doing housework, but now I’m a changed person because I truly enjoy doing housework these days – I love seeing the beautiful result after tidying up the house nowadays. And I feel so inspired by visiting this interior designer’s website. Now I not only love my home, but also love my life.

Clearly, when you are in a relationship with a Ukrainian lady, you should totally maintain your individuality as well as your social circle, so that you won’t lose yourself. Please note that when you keep in touch with your friends, they will probably broaden your horizon! 😊

Ukrainian women

  • Don’t forget to look after yourself.

Speaking of self-care, I’m going to share with you a memorable experience that I had.

Earlier this year, I went to a café for lunch. I ordered sourdough bread, eggs, greens, and mushroom. After eating the first piece of bread, I noticed that the second piece of bread had mold on it, so I told the waitress who reported the incident to her manager. That manager gave me free lunch and a gift voucher that can be used in this café in the future. My plan is to take one of my friends to this café one day if it actually becomes a better place.

After that happened, I had diarrhea at night, but fortunately, according to the information that I found online, diarrhea is good for me because it’s a way for the body to get rid of the problem before any cell damage. Then I wrote a journal entry immediately: From now on, I will cook more often at home; I will go to bed before midnight; I will stop checking and counting (I had OCD to some degree). Interestingly, that journal entry turns out to be a life-changing thing because after implementing what I’ve written in my journal, I feel very different now: I eat well and sleep well; my mental health has become better as well.

So, if you are in a romantic relationship with a Ukrainian woman, you should still take care of yourself – write in your journal, read your favorite book, go to the gym, explore your hobbies & interests, and improve your career….

“No matter you are in a relationship or not, your comfort zone should always be with you everywhere you go. Note that here comfort zone isn’t a negative phrase; instead, here comfort zone means everything that makes your life good. Therefore, please don’t rely on a romantic relationship in order to build a comfort zone – your comfort zone is yours. May happiness follow wherever you go. May your comfort zone stay with you no matter which stage you are at in your life.”